Scholarly collaboration
The Advisory Board
- Research Director (title of docent) Päivi Happonen, The National Archives of Finland
- Prof. dr. Charles van den Heuvel, Head of Research of History of Knowledge at the Huygens ING (KNAW)
- Dr. Anna Kuismin (title of docent), literary historian
- Research professor of history (directrice de recherche), dr. Claire Lemercier, CSO, Sciences Po and CNRS, Paris
- Service Director, Dr. Johanna Lilja, The National Library of Finland
- Dr. Dirk van Miert, Associate Professor of Early Modern Cultural History at the University of
Utrecht and the PI of the ERC Consolidator project Sharing Knowledge in Learned and Literary Networks – The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society (SKILLNET)
Other collaborators include
- Professor Ruth Ahnert, the Queen Mary University, London (QMUL)
- Professor Howard Hotson, the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH)
- Assistant Professor Mikko Kivelä, Aalto University

Postal Map of the Grand Duchy of Finland, 1897.
Source: Postimuseo, Finna